Flutter Mobile Application Development Program

100% Placement Assistance.
Build 6+ projects during the course.
Get Job of min 4 Lakhs Per Annum.
All trainers with min 4 years of industry experience.
Prior coding skills not required.
Entry Criteria: Your passion & commitment to learn coding.

Be the frontrunner for success

Why App Development Programme?

Create magic with your fingertips and develop unique , technologically sound applications to be used in smartphones. In an online world, be the LEADER!

Its the Fastest Growing Technology

Let’s be honest, the world is changing. And one of the fastest-growing technologies in app development. So make sure you are up to speed with future technology trends, and maybe try out some mobile apps to increase your productivity.

Huge Job Opportunities

So there’s a hot deal going on for a systematic approach to learning app development. That is a big industry with a real shortage of trained people. This is where you can easily fit into a job with a high salary package.

Freedom to work from anywhere

You can work from anywhere. You have nothing to worry about, just focus on building app and sell them to multiple businesses and start making money! Its that simple…


Easy To Learn

It doesn’t have to be hard. We make it enjoyable for everyone to learn fast.


Start your own App Development Company!

Learn how to start your own thriving app development business, and deal with clients all over the world!

A Gateway to a successful Career

Career boosting programs for a better future

Contact us now to know more about our specially designed life changing courses.

Program Tenure

7 months
Program tenure 7 months breakdown
  • Technical training - 4 months
  • Job placements - 3 months

Program Fees

( Inclusive of GST )
  • Job training for 4 months
  • Job placement training for 3 months
  • 5 job interviews
  • Resume Building Services

Program Fees

INR. 1,14,000 ( Inclusive of GST )
$ 1399
  • Job training for 4 months
  • Job placement training for 3 months
  • 5 job interviews
  • Resume Building Services
Price is what you pay and value is what you get

Innovative Curriculum

Our advanced and updated learning process

We have prepared an exemplary syllabus intending to boost our students with the best and modernized technical knowledge in the industry.
Attend Our Live Sessions
Learn From Our Industry Experts
Get hands-on experience in building various Apps
Become a Pro in App Development!

Get ready to beat the rest !

From start to end - ultimate success guaranteed!

We believe in providing thorough knowledge about all elements in the industry. You will become a professional not just in app development but also in achieving tremendous success by properly marketing it to the clients.

#1 Building Apps For Different Businesses

Master building Apps for businesses like Educational Institutions, Lifestyle Apps, Entertainment Apps, Social Media Apps and more. 


#2 Pitch Clients For Your App Development Company

Different market involves different marketing strategies. Learn to market your company with different marketing strategies for on-boarding clients.

#3 Learn To Monitize Your Apps For Passive Source Of Income

Turn your Apps into a passive source of income like many Apps make their money from! 

Huge Opportunities

Huge openings

Tech companies are offering excellent payment for talented application developers and are offered the following positions.

App Developer

Front End Developer

Back End Developer

Get Placed Soon

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(C O M P A N I E S)

Tech Mahindra

July Rapid




Placement Assistance Overview

Rigorous & continous support until employment

Our carefully planned training programs are furnished to bring a never before online learning experience. Enjoying virtual classes in the comfort zone of your own home under expert supervision can do wonders to increase your skills. Our flexible Learning initiative will definitely help you to learn better.
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